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loving you is what i was trying to do


The best part of this video, to me, is that
1.) she CLEARLY got dressed in all black for authenticity in her YouTube debut
2.) she wasn't alive when this movie was cool and everyone on the playground loved that song
3.)I'm pretty positive from what I know of being an awkward 4th grade girl, that she probably thought the kite would be a cool place to film the video because its sort of like a UFO.
Listen, I'm not gonna lie, when my friends and I were 10 and had slumber parties we'd totally do stuff like this, thankfully there was no camera and no YouTube to embarrass us with it later.




Amazing baby skateboarding! 3-Years old!!


3-year old

William Spencer

Rodney Mullen


A baby koala bear drinking water... he just can't get enough of it!

Cutest thing I've seen all day.. Koala's seem pretty chill, he wasn't afraid of humans at all.


you goat maya art uno

this came up on my Google youtube application and not only did i love the video but I'm definitely going to look in to this band.
very cool.

not only that, but i've been finding tons of great art videos today, this is one of my favorites, awesome animation.


Whats G? G is for Ganja...

This is a viral video I worked on while interning with Blue Ion in Charleston, SC. It sucks that Michael Phelps lost all his money in endorsements, but it's cool that we got some satire out of it.

This is the last day of my internship and I'm proud to say this is the ultimate culmination of my efforts (haha, jk). Help me spread this by sending a link to your friends!

(Ps. Michael Phelps doesn't even care about those endorsements... Look at him...)