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Tossed Salad, Described by Prisoner Succinctly in Jail

"It's called tossing the salad, thats the slang, toss the salad. It means, sucking my ass."


Dog With Human Hands Eats Dinner At Table


Otters Holding Hands

These otters are so cute, watch it til the end, just when you think it's done, its not.


3 Year Old REALLY Loves Justin Bieber

"we don't have to cry about Justin Bieber"
"yes we do, sometimes"


Shaun White double mctwist 12 Tomahawk Olympics Snowboarding Vancouver

Shaun White always innovating. Hes calling this new move the "Tomahawk".

This is how he worked on it..

Tiger Woods Press Conference Music Video

Lots of people watching this video right now..


Eye of the Tiger Mouse. Mouse vs Mouse trap


This Song Is Guaranteed To Make You Cry

If your Mom or Grandma ever sang you this song as a child this video will take you back...
Girls prepare to get wet haha, Guys consider this before holding back those tears.


Extreme Violence and Racism: 67Yr Old White Guy vs Black Guy

Black guy talks shit then gets beat down by a 67 year old white guy wearing a fanny pack and looses all street credibility in the process. This video is incredible.


Drinking Out of Cups

Not My Chair, Not My Problem. Thats What I say.

I heard that the backstory of this video, and it's pretty funny. Apparently Liam Lynch and Dan Deacon decided to drop some acid, one of them, not sure which one, decided to go into a closet while he was tripping and just started talking to himself. They recorded it. And so Drinking out of cups was born.


Soccer Player Spasm Zombie. Drops Dead?

The Angel of Death takes this Iranian soccer players life....

I've done a little research and the guy didn't die. (the research I did involved reading the YouTube

It was apparently just a weird spasm. He played in a game the next day.

But it freaked you out right?


Steve Jobs Apple IPad: Revolutionary or Complete Failure?

There is definitely a lot of speculation and controversy over the iPad and its place in the computing world.

Some hail it as the most revolutionary device we have seen in quite some time. It will change the way we interact with the internet. Tremendous, Phenomenal, Incredible, Beautiful, Amazing are just a some of the many adjectives in Steve Jobs vocabulary when describing his Moses Pads


Simply view it as nothing more than a giant iPod touch. An iPhone on steroids if you will.

I think it may be a little bit off all that and I personally can't wait to use one.
It will be interesting to see what happens come April... 1 Mil units first week??

What do you think?

Apple Ipad Reviews: The Critics Weigh In
This video is from an article on PC World


A little appropriate iTab/hitler humor

Improve at golf with The Rope It Backyard Practice Range

Yo guys, digg this video if you think its awesome.